Bandits Steal Cows In Yatya, Saimo Soi

By Alex Muhindi.

Residents of Yatya location in Saimo Soi are living in fear after gun-wielding bandits raided the area, driving away with over 40 herd of cattle.

The incident happened at around 9 am when the said bandits ambushed herders at a grazing fields in Chemorin village, where they fired several shots to disperse them before escaping with the animals.

Stolen animals belonged to Thomas Kiburet, who is the head teacher of Yatya primary school.

According to one of the area residents Richard Chepchomei, the over seven raiders staged waves of attacks to scare away residents who would reinforce the herders.

They have now drove stolen cows towards Lochomil in Tiaty and daring residents are in hot pursuit to try recover them.

Richard Chepchomei , Resident

He blamed the frequent raids in the area to disarmament of NPR officers by the government, whom he said the order was unfair which exposed them to attacks by raiders who are ever armed, year in year out.

“I even wonder where do these criminals get guns, it’s like they have an arsenal in their area”, he added.


The armed bandits staged another raid at Bartabwa, driving away with several goats.

The incident happened at around 1 pm, when heartless raiders ambushed Kesumet and Kamwetyo villages in Chepkesin, stealing a total of 306 goats belonging to three families.

Area Member of County Assembly (MCA) Reuben Chepsongol has said.

Up to now, the stolen goats have been driven away and signs of recovery is still dim.

“I want to call upon interior CS Dr. Fred Matiangi to kindly have people’s welfare at heart, instead of spending much of his time on BBI issues sending contingent of police yet our people are going through myriad of challenges at government’s watch”, said Chepsongol.

He gave an ultimatum to government that if the stolen goats shall not be recovered, he shall organize a mega demonstration to put to shame the rotten selfish leadership.