Sandra Jerotich Bleak Education Future

Sandra Jerotich is a determined girl from Kaprogonya in Baringo Central.Born and raised in abject poverty,she has no hopes of furthering her academic dream.

That is despite scoring 341 marks in last year’s KCPE examinations. Sandra managed to secure a position at Kapropita Girls High School.

The current situation has affected her mentally. She is depressed and worried about her future. Her mother has a Kidney Condition which has drained her financially.

She is not able to pay school fees for her bright daughter after exhausting all family resources to manage her health. Madam Daisy exhausted all her savings to treat herself. Her medical condition started in September last year.

As such,she was forced to spend most of her time moving from one hospital to another seeking medication.

Daisy Chebon, is disturbed that her girl might end up doing something bad. Recently,she always removes her box outside and stares at it for sometime before running out of the house to cool off.

Sandra’s mother took her to a Psychiatrist at Baringo Referral Hospital for counseling.

Failed Scholarship Applications

Sandra has tried applying for scholarships but all was in vain.Furthermore, she tried seeking help from county leaders. Her efforts have been met by empty promises.

Well-wishers raised some small amount. Sandra and her ailing mother have since used it to purchase school items that they could get hold of.

Before her illness, Daisy was an ECDE teacher who took care of her family. The medical condition has seen her use more than 300,000 Kenya Shillings in hospital bills.

Being the first to be born in a family of five, Sandra aspires to be a doctor. If she has the opportunity to continue her studies, she wants to be a doctor so that she can treat people who are suffering from Kidney problems like her mother.

Apart from her education,her mother’s health is worrying her too. She would have hoped that she would get the best treatment.