Ex Gsu Officer Commits Suicide

A former General Service Unit officer has committed suicide in Kapkiamo village in Baringo North, leaving behind a suicide note stating that he cannot endure life’s suffering after he lost his job four years ago.

While confirming the incident, Kelyo Location chief Symon Cheraste said that Mark Kirui ended his life at around 11am today few meters away from his house after drafting a suicide note explaining the cause of his decision to end his life.

Cheraste revealed that the incident brings the number of suicide cases in the same village to three this year and a total of six within a span of one year. A continuously rising figure that is worrying and has become a concern to the locals.

In the suicide note seen by This Is Laikipia, the 45 year old paints a picture that his life has not been a bed of roses since he was dismissed from his work as a GSU officer and his efforts to follow up his benefits reached a dead end.

He further narrated that no one came to his rescue when he lost his job and that he lacked someone to give him advice so that he can cope with his current condition.

“I am very sorry to the entire family and community at large for my demise. (The) Reason behind is that my brothers and sister has stayed away from me. Life has been hard for me since I left the Kenya Police Service. I have not gotten any advice from anybody and people ran away from me,” read a section of the note.

At the same time he addressed his tribulations to the Kenya Police Service and to the Inspector General of police to know that he has not gotten any benefits and he had worked in the service for fourteen years.

He concluded by pleading with the family and the community to look after his children now that he’s gone.

According to Japhet Ruto, the father of the deceased, his son had been a hard-working man before his dismissal from the Police service and he makes an appeal to the government to assist the young family.

He has four children and the first born is in form one and the others are in primary. I won’t manage to take care of all of them so am requesting the government if they can see how they can chip in since he had worked diligently for the government for several years.

Japhet Ruto , father of the deceased

Geoffrey Mpole a village elder, said that they are planning to conduct meetings and prayers in the village so that they can cast away the spirit of suicide in the village which has turned out to be a ‘Suicide Village’.

He noted that as elders they need to talk to the young generation so that they can persevere life’s hardships and challenges.