A Charcoal Seller’s Journey To Become A Nurse

A Charcoal Seller's Journey To Become A Nurse
A Charcoal Seller's Journey To Become A Nurse

God is merciful and kind,” says Ruth Wanjugu. “We must strive to do our best and leave the rest to God.” “I have numerous reasons to thank God.”

Ruth, who began her career as a charcoal seller and later as a Fisher seller, is now a Nursing student at Kenya Medical College.

Ruth’s story is both touching and encouraging to those who are going through a difficult time.

When approached, Ruth expressed her gratitude to God for bringing her this far, saying, “I don’t know who needs to hear this, sweetheart, don’t give up, it’s not over yet.” Life is unfair, but you must try to fit into an unfair life.

Do you think God can’t turn your pain into happiness if he can change the life of a charcoal and fish seller into a Kenya Medical Training College student?

When you pray, have faith, hope, and believe; miracles happen to those who believe.

People used to tell me when I was a charcoal seller that I would marry a charcoal seller man.

They said I’d marry a fisherman when I was a fish seller.

Now that I’m a student, they’re not saying I’ll marry a doctor or any other health worker because they’re afraid that instead of hurting my feelings, I’ll hurt their feelingsā€¦

Some people wish you well, while others are out to make your name look bad regardless.

Have the patience of a farmer, and learn to clap for your friends who have made it ahead of you; what matters is that we all make it.

If you don’t come from a wealthy family, they say, let the wealthy family come from you.

I’m pleased to report that I’m proud of myself, and I owe it all to God and my parentsā€¦

It’s well stated in Deuteronomy 28.