Nanyuki – Rumuruti Road ,Travelers Worst Nightmare

Nanyuki – Rumuruti road is probably the most incredible, strangest and craziest road in the world.

The county government of Laikipia has begun to repair parts of the Nanyuki-Rumuruti road. Transport in the area is paralysed by the heavy rains.

The county is undertaking emergency repairs. Hence facilitate movement between the two major cities of Nanyuki and Rumuruti, in consultation with the National Government.

Muriithi said that the road is a B22-class road and should be operated by the Kenya National Highways Authority (KEnHA).

Given the urgency of the situation, the Laikipia County Government agreed with the National Government to undertake repairs before the total reconstruction had been completed.

A move which is seen by business analyst as one that will spark economic growth in the region.

Temporary Relief

The County repairs will include cutting canals on the roadsides to drain rainwater. The unclogging of the blocked culverts and the murmuring of the worst affected areas.

These areas include the entrance gate of Ol Pejeta, the TwoTwo Center and the Debatas.

Some parts of the road are completely cut off.

County administration requested assistance from the Kenya Defense Forces to repair the damaged road parts.

Unfortunately the equipment was in use elsewhere.

For many years, the road has been a nightmare for motorists, particularly during the rainy season. We advise the County government of Laikipia to oversee this road’s repair and maintenance as it will open up more economic opportunities for Laikipia County.

Samuel Lokai, a matatu driver 

Empty Promises

Over the years, the Nayuki-Rumuruti road repairs have been used as a campaign tool, leaving locals and road users suffering all the time.

Even patients who are being transferred to hospitals are not spared.

Stranded and left on their own, the residents are calling for a permanent solution to the crisis.

Muriithi urges the national government to lay the foundation.Facilitating transportation across the county on the essential road that represents a lifeline for the local economy.

As of 2014 , the National Government has failed to repair the road according to Salama Ward MCA Wakahiu Waithaka

The whole of northern Kenya and parts of the Rift Valley are linked by this road.

This where it would serve a major purpose in transporting horticulture and vegetables to and from these regions.