You Cant Stop ‘reggae’ – Ruto Told

Deputy President William Ruto has no powers to stop the BBI. This is because BBI started with opposition chief Raila Odinga and president Uhuru Kenyatta. Apparently the deputy president is under his boss who is the head of state.

This is according to Tiaty MP William Kamket. While speaking during a peace meeting at Longeiwan in Samburu County. Kamket holds the view that no any other person is capable of stopping the Building Bridges Initiative.

“If he has the powers to do so then let him go ahead and we will see how far he will reach. That shows the height of bad manners because if you cannot read the body language of your boss then you don’t have any role being a deputy” he said.

“If your boss tells you to jump you should ask how high not how or why or if he tells you to go right you say yes sir” added Kamket.

At the same time, the KANU leader is despising the Tangatanga allied leaders for being ‘watermelon‘ on BBI. He holds the view that they should either support it wholeheartedly or oppose it fully.

I will stop reggea

On Sunday last week, the DP while addressing a Church congregation in Embu County, said that he will stop ‘reggae’ while referring to BBI rallies saying that it has brought more division than unity in the country.

I will stop reggea
Image courtesy :Daily Nation

BBI is gaining momentum day by day. The task force is holding meetings and rallies countrywide with the latest meetings enjoying huge support. Leaders are pouring in their recommendations as they stop critics in their tracks.

This, though, has come under criticism from leaders allied to the Deputy President William Ruto who claim that the rallies are a waste of public money and a waste of time all together. They demand a stop of the ongoing countrywide BBI rallies.

The handshake has put a stop to animosity between tribes and given birth to the BBI. This is being felt across the country in different rallies.

For instance ,at Mombasa BBI meeting at Mama Ngina Waterfront  Raila received an accolade of praises. Those addressing the large crowds,praised Raila for agreeing to have a Handshake with President Uhuru Kenyatta.