Atheists In Kenya Secretary Gives His Life To Jesus Christ

Atheist In Kenya Secretary Gives His Life To Jesus Christ
Atheist In Kenya Secretary Gives His Life To Jesus Christ

Atheist of Kenya (AIK) general secretary has resigned, claiming that he has discovered Jesus Christ and is no longer interested in spreading atheism in the country.

According to Statista data from 2019, more than 85 per cent of Kenya’s population identify as Christian.

Seth Mahiga recognized that “Jesus is Lord” in a statement released on Saturday, May 29, 2021, after serving Atheists in Kenya Society (AIK) for a year and a half.

This evening, regretfully, our Secretary Mr. Seth Mahiga made the decision to resign from his position as Secretary of our society,” the statement reads. “Seth’s reason for resigning is that he has found Jesus Christ and is no longer interested in promoting atheism in Kenya.

Atheist of Kenya

The atheist in kenya movement wants the government to embrace science and skepticism in its dealings, as well as a rational and humanistic approach to morality.

There are approximately 2.5 percent of Kenyans who report having no religion or specify no affiliation. Covid 19 has made the situation even worse particularly in central Kenya.

For the past 18 months, Mahiga had been secretary for AIK. 

According to its site, AIK is the first officially registered non-religious organisation of its kind in the nation.

Atheist In Kenya Activities

Since its foundation, Atheist In Kenya has launched many court challenges to push for the abolition of Christian instruction in Kenya’s basic school curriculum as well as the annual National Day of Prayer.

They’ve also pushed for February 17 to be designated as an atheist national holiday in the United States.

The promotion and practice of “open, rational, and scientific inquiry of the cosmos and our place in it,” as well as “advocating that ethics and morality be meaningfully based on logical and humanistic norms and values,” are among AIK’s goals.

“Atheism is, in the broadest sense, the absence of belief in the presence of deities,” according to AIK. Atheism, in a broader sense, is the denial of the existence of any gods. In a more limited sense, atheism is defined as “the belief that there are no gods.”

In light of such stated aims and beliefs, Mahiga evidently found his role untenable as Atheist In Kenya secretary.

But Mumia’s statement about Mahiga’s resignation is gracious and warm, thanking Mahiga for his service and wishing “Seth all the best in his new-found relationship with Jesus Christ”.

The Church Meeting

According to Mahiga, he had been suffering “difficulties in life” before deciding to resign as secretary, as he stated at a church gathering captured by Elevate TV Kenya and published on Facebook by AIK.

Seth Mahiga Denouncing Atheism

The pastor alongside Mahiga also asks the congregation to “give the Lord some praise in this home, hallelujah,” before declaring that “the Bible says: ‘Every knee shall bow…’” in the brief video.

Comments on the video that was posted on the Atheist of Kenya fan page include:

“He cracked, what a waste of good brain…. all it takes is indoctrination with a lie that he will think to be true,” one commenter said.

“How much was he paid for this PR stunt?” and “he couldn’t handle the reality”.

Some are more encouraging responses like “a great decision” and “Jesus is the way, truth, and life.”

The news release also announces the organization’s consequent vacancy and invites interested people to apply.

Kenyan atheists interested in joining our Executive Committee can send their CVs to

Atheist In Kenya, Press Release
Atheist In Kenya Secretary Gives His Life To Jesus
Atheists in Kenya press release.

In a separate tweet, Harrison Mumia wrote, “It’s a sad day for the Atheists in Kenya Society.” Seth Mahiga, our secretary, has resigned, claiming to have found Jesus. “Haha!”

Harrison Mumia is the president of the Atheist in Kenya Society.

Dr. Willy M. Mutunga, Kenya’s former Chief Justice, saw the attached “lol” at the end of the tweet and wrote the following remark to his one million followers:

Mr. President. If it is of any consolation, besides your LOL, Article 32(1) of our Constitution provides: Every person has the right to freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief and opinion. This provision is not a laughing matter

Willy Mutunga on Twitter

Jubilation Among Christians

Following Mahiga’s decision to accept Christ and resign as the Secretary of the Atheist in Kenya Society, spontaneous jubilation erupted online among Christians.

“Thank you, God, for doing it again. You transformed Paul, you changed the tax collector Zacchaeus, and now you’ve changed Seth Mahiga. One Christian responded, “May you also change our corrupt politicians.”

“Welcome to the world of realism and truth,” says the narrator. Another said, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot fathom it!”