County Goat Auction To Go Digital

Consumers of the famously delicious Baringo goat meat will now have the opportunity to access the delicacy all year round, thanks to an online platform that is set to go fully operational at the beginning of 2020.

The platform is going revolutionise Meat Goat and Chevon sales within the County by ensuring that the demand for the delicacy in the Country, mainly in major towns is constantly met throughout the year.

According to Alice Chebiwott one of the directors of Baringo Mbuzi Ltd, the online mbuzi shop will allow customers to choose from Meat Goats (Live Mbuzi), Chevon and Honey.

We have built an e-shop offering a product range that is tailor-made to suit our customer’s individual needs and budget. It guarantees secure online payments and we shall liaise with our customers to make timely deliveries at collection points convenient to them.


Every year, thousands of Meat Goats are sold at the famous Kimalel Goat Auction in Baringo, while meat lovers visit Koriema trading center for nyama choma and takeaway chevon.