Laikipia North Community Memorandum On Insecurity

Laikipia North Community Memorandum On Insecurity
Laikipia North Community Memorandum On Insecurity

Laikipia North residents took to the streets on Wednesday morning, protesting the brutal killing of one person. Later, they came together at the Laikipia County commissioner’s office and delivered the following memo.

We, the undersigned, members of Laikipia North Sub-county and principally from the former mukogodo division and more so members of the most recently affected area by banditry, specifically Mukogodo location, sieku location, Ilngwesi location and Makurian locations, wish to petition the Government of Kenya through this memorandum that we are suffering due to deadly, brutal and terroristic banditry that has become the order of the day in our homeland. 

The communities in the above four mentioned locations are the immediate neighbors of the mukogodo forest which is a government forest.

These communities constitute the user groups of natural resources from mukogodo forest. The natural resources includes, pasture, water, honey, herbs and firewood. 

Since immemorial, these communities have protected mukogodo forest in its natural stature.
Lately, in the last five years encroachers, adversaries and armed bandits had found thick and dense protected forest that is safe for their hideout. 
The bandits have colonized Mukogodo forest as their territory for safe haven and planning zones to conduct their heinous acts. 

This has made the forest neighboring communities a soft target for raid by these bandits. Since the entry of these elements into the forest, community attacks in Mukogodo division has become the order of the day. 

Many people in uncountable occasions have been brutally killed, maimed, evicted, livestock raided, highway robberies, shops breaking, homes vandalized, community conservancies destroyed as well as forceful grazing in community pasture reservoirs and tourism core conservation areas. 

Learning institutions has also suffered most; their livestock raids, property destroyed, low enrolments and sometimes closure of schools. 

Additionally, forest destruction has increased; these bandits have decided to build semi-permanent structures in the middle of the government forest. 

The precious cedar and olive trees are in extinction due to malicious cutting down by these bandits. 

In extensively, we believe that, the Ministry of Interior has details of the occurrences of banditry incidences, through chief’s offices and we also believe that, they are channeled to the office of the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of Nation Government and thus we are dearly praying for a conclusive and swift intervention. 

In past two weeks the following killings and raids have been perpetuated by this terrorist bandits; 

1. On 20/3/2023, a motorbike (Bodaboda) with two people of Ewaso sub-location was attacked, one person killed that is Mr. Brain Lepet and the other one was shoot on the right leg and he is currently recuperating after treatment at Rumuruti unison medical centre.

2. On 21/3/2023 75 shoats belonging to Mosura Moiyare were raided and were recovered in Samburu East Lorgerded sub-location. 

3. On 25/3/2023 3 cows belonging to Letewuan Parenja Moile and 2 cows belonging to Sadiding Moile were raided and never recovered.

4. On 28/3/2023, 8 cows for Lokuan Lekwaale from mukogodo location were raided and yet to be recovered. The trace of footprint was lost at Lerata Sub-location Samburu East. 

5. On 28/3/2023, 10 cows belonging to John Lopuyia Matunge were raided and recovered on 4/4/2023 in Samburu East, Ngila Location.

6. On 29/3/2023, 4 cows of Ledeyo Lekuyie were raided from Makurian location and recovered on 2/4/2023 in Sasaab, Nkutuuk Olngiron Samburu East. 

7. On 30/3/2023, 11 cows belonging Assistant Chief Matunge of sieku sub-location were raided and were recovered on 31/3/2023 at Tale in Lenkurma Location, Olndonyiro ward, Isiolo North Sub-County. 

8. On 3/04/2023, Hon. Francis Ole Kaparo Doldol Home was raided and 15 camels were taken and herder was killed Mr. Nemelil Pokisa. 10 camels were recovered in olndonyiro ward of Isiolo County. 5 camels are yet to be recovered and 4 camel that were stolen on 24/12/2022 have not been recovered totaling to 9 camels. 

9. On 3/4/2023 at 1900hrs Loisaba Conservancy security vehicle Registration number KCE 034L was shot by bandit at Kolian – Olmaalo road destroying the left hand side window. 

10. On 3/4/2023 1 bull belonging to the same who was raided on 25/3/2023 that is Letewuan Parenja Moile was raided and yet to be recovered. 

The highly hyped security operation has not taken effect in mukogodo forest instead the local community have been displaced from their homes and the invaders has got strong footage. 

As a community, we are left more helpless and hopeless in midst of a sovereign state. 

In this juncture we cry to the Government of Kenya to give us our basic right of live and security of our property. In this regard we pray that the government of Kenya; 

- Shall flash out the bandits in mukogodo forest, specifically in sieku valley, Losos Hills, Kiapei Hills and Lekuruki Hills. 

- To avail the Multi-Agency Security and their machinery in mukogodo forest. 

- To station security Rapid Deployment Unit at Nadunguru and Seek.

- Noting the imbalance distribution of the recently trained National Police Reservist, The government need to fast truck the training of the remaining National Police Reservist in Laikipia North Sub-County as directed by CS for interior on 5/12/2023 after the killing of Senior Chief Jacob Leyiangere of Ilmotiok location by bandits. Also the government should tailor a special purpose command that is less bureaucratic of the NPR, to achieve a quick and rapid response to banditry attacks. 

- To construct Security roads; that is Arjiju – Elerai – Owuan Road, Lairiakoro – Owuan road, Kurikuri Owuan road, Nandunguru –Ildorot - Keli – Kipsing Road and Doldol Kipsing road. 

- To deploy Kenya forest Security officers in mukogodo forest. 

- The government to include parts of Samburu East and Isiolo North in their plan to fight banditry. 
- To ensure adequacy of law enforcers in Laikipia North Sub-County, in terms of strength, quality and vehicles."