Murdered Woman Won’t Get Postmortem

Murdered woman from Baringo who died under suspicious circumstances will be buried without a postmortem.

The Corona pandemic has altered burial timelines.

The deceased woman’s burial will take place without a postmortem in Saimo Kipsaraman ward,Baringo North.She died under mysterious circumstances.

Morgues are not permitted to receive bodies and dead bodies are buried within 24 hours. This is one way to counter the region’s deadly Corona virus pandemic.

Dead Body Found

Locals found the dead body of Peris Chemweno in the Kipsaraman trading center Thursday morning.

The late was drinking in a bar with friends until late at night before she left for home. Its early the next morning that locals found the deceased body.

Through a postmortem ,the real cause of death would be known.However, family and friends will bury her without knowing what killed her.

Willy Aengwo, a member of the family, said they’re going to be forced to keep the body at home until afterwards. Then she is to be laid to rest the following day.


Friends and neighbors are concerned that the late victim’s fate is unknown. She may have been raped, and then strangled to death, so if she is buried, her death will never be known.

The family has no other other option but to follow the government’s orders. They’ll go ahead and bury her even though they wanted a postmortem conducted to establish the woman’s cause of death.

Saimo Kipsaraman MCA John Aengwo, called upon the locals to stop drinking during this Corona virus pandemic. At the same time ,making an appeal that the security team adheres to the president’s directives of closing all bars.

As the country is grappling with this disease our people may end up all dying because of alcohol abuse because we still have open bars in our community which are against the president’s orders.

MCA John

Baringo Governor Stanley Kiptis has issued an order to close all bars, night clubs and open air markets for 30 days. This will help to contain the spread of the deadly Corona virus.