Segera Community Plants Over 3500 Trees In a Single Day

Segera Community Plants Over 3500 Trees In a Single Day
Segera Community Plants Over 3500 Trees In a Single Day

Segera Trees planting event gathered 800 participants consisting of five hundred school children from 4 schools, 300 villagers and other stakeholders.

10 speakers and 4 dance song performances rounded out the agenda with lunch , 3500 small trees dispersed, ceremonial planting and blessing of five trees and cake for all.

The afternoon event emphasized tree planting and reestablishment of trees in the Laikipia plains. Environment, and conservation starts with each one of us.
Trees provide habitat for humans, animals and birds, clean air, healthy water and moderated climate, food, medicine and shade.

Follow up by environmental clubs and a tree specialist will encourage the health of the trees. It’s easy to dig but harder to nurture and grow.


  • KFS for Laikipia county
  • Greening Kenya Foundation
  • Laikipia Permaculture Center
  • Maasai Cricket Warriors.
  • Segera location administrators including Chief Meangi
  • Director of Sopnorok Orphans Center
  • Eluid Gilisho
  • Dr. Manu Chandaria’s foundation

The day was graciously hosted by Segera Mission and its school, Jane Goodal African Academy.

Pastor Faith Karimi from Faith Chapel blessed our day. She reminded us from Genesis 1 that God planted trees on the third day for the worlds well being.

Debbie Bartlett, conceived , organized and brought this day together with scores of volunteers,stakeholders and benefactors. Debbie lives in a Tree country – USA, the state of Oregon, the green state.

She is an eight year supporter of Segera Mission (

WePlant Inc Foundation

The need for a grassroots organization is growing tremendously every day. Organizations that would galvanize communities across Africa to positively contribute towards sustainable management of natural resources.

WePlant Inc was an idea born out of a discussion by a group of environment and natural resource management practitioners gathered in Nanyuki , Kenya in 2019.

The idea was subsequently shared with other like-minded individuals. It culminated in the formation and subsequent registration of WePlant Inc Organization as Non-Governmental Organization in 2020. 

The foundation incorporates community participation. Hence it has been applauded for its efforts in tackling climate change.

Their focus has been to promote sustainable environmental and natural resource management best practices. More so, among grassroots communities working closely with civil society organizations, private sector actors and Government.