Charles Rubia (Veteran Politician) Dies At 96

Charles Rubia – was a veteran politician.He was the first African Mayor of Kenya’s capital city,Nairobi, serving for three from 1963 to 1967. Murang’a University awarded the former mayor with a doctorate degree in August 2018.

Charles Rubia also served as the Member of Parliament of Starehe Constituency from 1969 -1988. He also led the push for multiparty democracy. That was in 1990.

He joined forces with Kenneth Matiba, leading calls for multi-party democracy. He was subsequently detained by President Daniel arap Moi.

After one year, he was released from detention and had been in poor health ever since. On Monday, December 23, 2019, the 96-year-old politician died in his home in Karen. This was confirmed by his personal lawyer, Irungu Kang’ata, Murang’a County Senator.

The outburst of multi-party democracy reached its peak on 7 July 1990

Rubia was arrested in the company of Kenneth Matiba ,three days prior to the the protest on July 4, 1990. They were imprisoned by the regime that was in place for nine months.

Charles Rubia went to court in July 2019.

In his submission, Rubia explained to the judge how he was stripped half-naked and forced to lie on a cold floor.

He was also held in dark and very cold cages. Spending several days without enough food and water, which contributed to malnutrition.He was also denied access to good medical care despite being forced to live in a bad and unhygienic environment.

Charles Rubia suffered speech impairment as a result of the torture that he underwent while in prison. This disability ended his political career.

When President Daniel Moi agreed in December 1991 to amend Section 2A of the Constitution to allow multiple political parties in the country, the move toward pluralism ultimately yielded fruit.

The Presidential Eulogy

President Uhuru Kenyatta led Kenyans to mourn the veteran politician. He characterized him as a hero and a smart leader who dedicated his political sphere to serving the country.

In his message of condolences to the family , relatives and friends of the late politician and businessman, President Kenyatta said he was greatly disappointed by his demise, indicating that the late leader has been a source of motivation and moral example for many Kenyans over the years.

Charles Rubia was one of the few Kenyans who influenced the country’s policies that define modern Kenya.

The rights and freedoms that we currently enjoy are the outcome of the efforts made by Charles Rubia and other loyalists who were ready to sacrifice their lives for the political stability of our wonderful country.

President Uhuru Kenyatta

Charles Rubia died aged 96. Initially,he served as a Member of Parliament for the Starehe Constituency for a period of 20 years, starting in 1969, when he maintained several cabinet portfolios.