European Union, Coffee & Milk Farmers In Meru

European Union will assist local farmers across Meru County to get new market for their produce. The European Union Ambassador is on an official visit to the County.

He will be the Chief Guest at the Kenya Methodist University (KEMU) ‘Meru We Want’ Conference for the adoption of Meru Vision 2040.

The event will be flanked off by Meru County Governor Murungi joined by Deputy Governor Hon. Titus Ntuchiu, MESC Chairperson Amb. Francis Kirimi Muthaura, European Union Ambassador to Kenya H.E. Simon Mordue, North Imenti MP Rahim Dawood, Imenti Central MP Kirima Nguchine and top County and National Government leaders

Meru Vision 2040 will be the blueprint to guide on strategic vision and flagship development projects for the County of Meru over the next 20 years, to transform the County into a Prosperous, United and Happy Society.

This is well in line with Governor Kiraitu’s vision of Making Meru Great.

Best Coffee

Speaking when he visited Meru coffee millers, European Union Ambassador to Kenya, H.E Simon Mordue said that Meru has the best coffee quality. Therefore there is need for it to venture into international markets promising that his union will assist in that.

While visiting Meru Dairy Farmers’ Union milk processing plant, Ambassador Simon Mordue, noted that there is a high demand for the milk products in the international markets.

EU will work with the County Government to see how locally produced milk products can directly venture at the international market.

The county administration is committed to see that all farmers in Meru County get value for their produce.

MYS Training Center

Later in the evening, Meru County Governor took Ambassador H.E. Simon Mordue, on a guided tour of the MYS Training Center in Igoji.

He had the opportunity to interact with beneficiaries of the Governor’s revolutionary, flagship youth empowerment program. Its one of its kind in the country.

The program is meant to transform the youth in behavior and mindset. Furthermore to instill discipline as well as lead to acquisition of technical skills to make them employable.

The goal of the program is to fight poverty, hopelessness, apathy, unemployment, drug and substance abuse among youths.

Ambassador Simon Mordue has promised a close working relationship with the County Government to ensure that the objectives of the project are met.

Terming the youth as a great asset to change the future of the County and Country, he lauded the Governor for his foresightedness and creativity in setting up a unique program to address the challenges facing them, which he noted are similar across Kenya and the globe.