Flood Victims Receive Food & Aid

It was a sigh of relief as eight families that were displaced from their homes by heavy flooding in Githioro ward, Kipipiri sub-county, benefited with humanitarian assistance from His Excellency Governor Francis Kimemia this afternoon.

The consignment, consisting of blankets and mattresses, sanitary items, foodstuff and assorted household utensils, was delivered by the area Ward Administrator Mr. Mungai Kaburu and the Member of the County Assembly Hon. Sambigi Mukuria.

It is my assurance that every effort will be made and support extended to make these families and especially the vulnerable children and elderly receive humanitarian support. This is the beginning of this journey which I will walk with you till your pain and loss is assuaged.

Nyandarua County Governor ,Hon. Kimemia

The families, drawn from Gachuha village of Githioro Ward, and who are now living in a nearby school, passed their gratitude to Governor Kimemia for his compassionate gesture which will go a long way towards alleviating their suffering.

Hon. Sambigi also thanked the Government, and the Governor in particular, for personally leading in the initiative and quick response immediately the disaster struck.