Government Intensifies Relief Measures In Flooded Areas

Government Intensifies Relief Measures In Flooded Areas
Government Intensifies Relief Measures In Flooded Areas

The ravaging floods that have affected parts of the Country have been a menace. Nakuru County has not been spared either. Some parts of Nakuru County have seen residents being displaced by floods.

This has promoted the Nakuru County administration to employ mitigating strategies to address the situation.

Sub County and Ward administrators are liaising with village elders and community leaders to sensitise the general public on safety matters concerning flash floods.

Health officials are also on the ground to assess the public health aspect of the County residents affected .

A team from the County administration led by Public Service Management, Training and Devolution CECM ,Mwangangi Mwania and Director Political Affairs Madam Beatrice Nyawira,visited Rongai and Molo Sub Counties respectively to donate food and non food items to the affected residents .

In Rongai Sub County,over 300 families spread through Burgei,Rongai Town,Kimango,Kayole and Belbur have been affected.

Area MCA Hon.Cecilia Nyambura has been coordinating the relief efforts to ensure all affected households are assisted.

In Molo Sub County 9 families that had been affected by a fire incident also received donations .

100 elderly also got early Christmas gift from the office of the Governor as they received food and non food items from County officials in partnership with St.Joseph hospital